Welcome to Curriculum & Instruction

Dear KLSD Families,  

The goal of the Office of Curriculum and Instruction is to ensure that all KLSD students experience an engaging, relevant, and active learning environment within our schools. As such, our curricular and instructional practices are continually evolving to reflect New York State Standards, and the latest research-based best practices in the field of education. We strive to make our curricular and instructional program one that helps to make our Learning Commitment a reality for all KLSD students.   

We support our KLSD educators with ongoing professional learning opportunities both within and outside the district.  Five staff developers join our Director of Technology and me to make up a Professional Learning Team. Together with building and district administrators, we focus on continual improvement in all areas through coaching, workshops, institutes, instructional resources, and coordination of internal committees and external supports.  

Thank you for your interest in our work! 

Julia D. Drake, EdD 
KLSD Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction 

Staff Developers


Melissa Brady


Selina Hedigan


Alison Porcelli


Mike Sammartano

Candy Wilmot

Mission of the Katonah-Lewisboro School District

The Mission of the Katonah-Lewisboro School District, a student-inspired, community-based center of educational excellence, is to ensure that each student has a passion for learning and defines and achieves individual success in a dynamic, competitive global society through a system distinguished by:

  • Highly motivated active learners who continuously assess their progress and feel joy in their accomplishments;
  • Faculty and staff dedicated to the success of all students;
  • Rigorous curricula and innovative approaches to instruction that honor the uniqueness in each student;
  • Collaboration among school, home, and community to create a stimulating learning environment.